23 May 2018

| Generale


For the last three years, leading newspaper Expansión’s ‘Fuera de Serie’ (Outstanding) magazine has assessed the situation of the ice cream industry. This year, it has published a list of the summer’s most outstanding innovations. The Ice Cream Factory’s Bombón Fusión Frutos Rojos (Berry Fusion Bonbon)  won first price. Three years in a row at the top of the list.

Three out of three. Congratulations!

What’s more, ten Ice Cream Factory products are among the 25 top ranking products on the market. By far the best result achieved by any of the featured companies. The winning ice cream, “El Bombón Fusión Frutos Rojos de iChoc” (iChoc Berry Fusion Bombon) was rated as surprising, with its creamy pannacotta ice cream and red berry sorbet coated with white chocolate and raspberry pieces. The jury said the product is “not only attractive to look at, but also has a great texture and combination of flavours”.

The mini bonbon with mint and the bonbon salted caramel fusion, both by iChoc are also among the top ten in this category

“Thank you to everyone who has made the Ice Cream Factory possible”.